Wednesday, August 09, 2006

They Don't See It Coming

The Republicans truly do not see what is coming.

I'm thinking '68 and '72. It was a disaster for the Republicans. Their most repellant candidate of recent memory, Nixon, got elected and re-elected in landslides with a war raging that had 10X the casualty rate of the current war and a draft in effect.

Do you think the Republicans see this coming? Is Rove offering Lieberman support? Is the Pope a former Nazi?

Net roots, Al Sharpton, and Jesse Jackson forever.

Is Nixon still dead?



Anonymous said...

I dunno. My mom voted for Nixon.

And, the real disaster was Golda Meir.

True, Nixon was surrounded by some anti-Semites. But they're hard to avoid in DC. And, in the end, the American people had a President gutsy enough to CANCEL THE DRAFT. He did that in early 1972.

As to the fact that he was elected by landslide? True. That did not give the press, or Mark Felt, #2, at the FBI, the right to cancel an election.

And, it sure beat the left leaning drop outs in the donk party.

As a matter of fact, the "same set of circumstances, Nixon's trying to avoid making Neslon Rockefeller his veep to replace Agnew; the Gerald Ford (he isn't walking and chewing gum at the same time, fella), whose grasp of European politics was also sorely lacking ...

And, guess what? Jimmy Carter edged out a win because a lot fo otherwise sensible republicans got all religious all of a sudden, and bought Jimmy's act.

Happens again to Reagan, when he bought Anthony Kennedy. Later, the lemon to befall the Supremes, was a dream casting by the Left. So you got Souter.

While, the first President Bush got tossed from office after one term, like a midget. Which he could thank to his prank of giving the job to Scalia's puppet.

Lots of jokes transpire in politics.

We're free enough to survive them.

Just as the Israelis, now, have to survive Golda's reincarnation in the pants of Ehud Olmert.

As Barbara Tuckman wrote; there's no such thing as a bad age. Where we refer to darkness, there was some light. And, where we forget to refer to good times, because of bad times, it all seems to adjust.

Nixon's absolutely worst mistake was Hennry Kissenger. Plus, not seeing the Cold War for the UN sham it was.

On the other hand, you don't have to love presidents for them to function. Some do this with more honor than others.

While my best guess for Olmert being seated in "chair #2, is that Arik was blocking Shimon Peres. So, we got the stroke.

Such a lucky stroke. But I don't think Olmert's gaining political ground, now. And, you bet. I am encouraged that Amir Peretz has the courage to do what's right. In spite of Olmert. In spite of Shimon Peres. In spite of penis-pas, and Sneh.

Somebody's gotta win elections. The best way to do it is to fish in the mainstream. God, in his fashion, will deal with the losers. CAROL HERMAN

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hijack the thread here, but, Carol...why was Kissinger a mistake for Nixon?? Wasn't the detente with China a good thing? I'm confused....

Duchess of Austin

M. Simon said...


I'm a veteran of FIDONET and usenet.

I like to do a little snark every now and then to keep my hand in.

i.e. this one was just for my own amusement.

I think the Lamont win in the primary is telegraphing a huge loss for the Democrats in November.

I saw a Tim Russert commentary on the national news tonight and he was looking forward to a Democratic victory in November. I think he will be surprised.


For Nixon to get 58% and 60% a lot of people had to vote for him.

I was one of those drop outs at the time. Fortunately for Nixon i didn't vote. LOL

Ah yes. The crook Agnew. Forcing Nixon to give his famous (infamous?) I'm not a crook speech. I loved that one. He sure looked guilty.

I liked Carter because he was a nuke (didn't vote for him though). By the time he was done it was Reagan's turn. By then I was voting Libertarian. (well Reagan was talking libertarian - government is the problem - so I was OK with him) Took 9/11 to get me fully awake. Sad but true facts of life.

BTW it is Barbra Tuchman "Guns of August" and "Proud Tower" right?

Anonymous said...

Kissinger was a bigger crook than Agnew.

It doesn't matter whom you vote for, as long as Americans understand voting as a civic duty.

Barbara Tuckman wrote insightfully. And, among the things she wrote that I remember is not to think of ages as being all one way. Or the other. In other words, in life, things are always mixed.

Heck, though Tolstoy didn't tell you much about happy families; he could'a mentioned everyone's life has up's and down's. So why expect smooth sailing?

By the way, my mom was super Jewish. I stated that she voted for Nixon twice, because when she told me this, during the 1990's, I was very surprised. I took Pauline Kael's comment, after Nixon won, as gospel. But I was young then. And, didn't know much about sex, either. CAROL HERMAN