Wednesday, June 19, 2024

"Potential for Abuse"

"Potential for Abuse" is one of the ways drugs are categorized for legal purposes. The underlying assumption is that drugs cause addiction depending on their "abuse potential". This is not medically possible. Let me explain:

American Medical Schools teach addiction is a symptom of PTSD. Dr. Lonny Shavelson in his book "Heroin" said that 70% of female heroin addicts had been sexually abused in childhood.
Drugs fill receptors. What empties receptors (injury, PTSD) causes a desire for drugs. Drugs CAN'T cause addiction. Pass it on. (The DEA is currently selling 'Habituation" as 'addiction'. They are different. Detox fixes Habituation. It does not fix addiction.)

More simply: People in chronic pain chronically take pain relievers. Hard to believe, isn't it?

The drugs used depend on the level of pain, not the 'abuse potential'. There are more details on drugs and addiction at "Better Proof - The Government Is Lying About DRUGS".

Receptor theory is over 100 years old. I knew enough about endorphin receptors 50 years ago to write what I have currently written on the subject of receptors and 'addiction', had I just given it some thought.

The current method of classifying drugs "of abuse" for purposes of law is incorrect. Since drugs don't cause 'addiction' (pain does) drugs can't have an addiction potential. Or given the laws currently in effect the number is zero for ALL drugs.


You may like another article I wrote about bad drug law -- A Black Trump supporter at the May 23, 2024 Bronx rally called for an end to Systemic Racism.

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Thursday, May 23, 2024

Blacks Are Victims of Lawfare

It is why Blacks are flocking to Trump. The Lawfare they are victims of is Nixon's War On Blacks - the Nixon Drug War. It is one of the last vestiges of systemic racism still functioning.

"Look, we understood we couldn't make it illegal to be young or poor or black in the United States, but we could criminalize their common pleasure. We understood that drugs were not the health problem we were making them out to be, but it was such a perfect issue...that we couldn't resist it."
- John Ehrlichman, White House counsel to President Nixon on the rationale of the War on Drugs.

"[Nixon] emphasized that you have to face the fact that the whole problem is really the blacks" Haldeman, his Chief of Staff wrote, "The key is to devise a system that recognizes this while not appearing to."

And now you know why persecuted Blacks are backing Trump. They have seen Lawfare up close and personal.

Trump will owe them. He has known their issue for over 30 years. The Drug War. He now has a reason in addition to his others to bring the people it finances down. And the backing to do it.

"We're losing badly the war on drugs," he said. "You have to legalize drugs to win that war. You have to take the profit away from these drug czars." - Donald Trump at the Miami Herald 1990 Company of the Year Awards Luncheon

But things are even worse than that. "Drugs cause addiction" is a biologically false statement. Biologically drugs CAN'T cause addiction. A short discussion of the biology in simple layman's terms: Better Proof - The Government Is Lying About DRUGS

The tldr; version ==>

Drugs fill receptors.
Injury empties receptors. PTSD empties receptors.
Empty receptors are painful.
Filling empty receptors makes you feel good.
Empty receptors create a desire for drugs.
Drugs can not create a desire for drugs.

Think of all the Government Agencies dependent on the Drug War. It is very expensive.

Drugs fill receptors. What empties receptors (injury, PTSD) causes a desire for drugs. Drugs CAN'T cause addiction. Pass it on.

If they can get you to ask the wrong questions, they don't have to worry about the answers. - Thomas Pynchon.

Update: 24 May 2024 10:56z

Systemic Racisn gets a mention starting at 53 seconds in to the video.

Update: 24 May 2024 19:55z

I have been writing about Systemic Racism for a while. Here is a post I did featurig Matthew Fogg - Blacks In Government: End Drug Prohibition from 2011.

In this video Matt Fogg, a Black DEA agent, explains Drug War Racism policy. And yes. Racism is DEA policy. Matt does introductions for the first minute and a half of the video.

And you also have Joe Biden, the architect of the racist 1994 Crime Bill. People who prefered crack cocaine over powder (Blacks) got punished 100 times more. Congress later reduced that to only 18 times the punishment. Prison quotas need to be maintained.

Update: 25 May 2024 11:45z

I added - Drugs fill receptors. What empties receptors (injury, PTSD) causes a desire for drugs. Drugs CAN'T cause addiction. Pass it on.

Putting so many Black men in prison has ruined the Black family. Which was Nixon's intention. No fathers for Black kids. - 13:25z

I just posted (19 June 2024) - "Potential for Abuse" - about one way Drugs are classified.

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Friday, May 17, 2024

Lawfare Wants an Acquittal

I believe the "Hush Money trial" zeitgeist has changed. The judge today denied a critical prosecution objection At about 11:40 of the video. "Was Davidson extorting Trump" - ordinarily that is an easy "sustained". It was overruled. I think the calculus has changed from "get Trump convicted" to "get Trump away from the cameras".

Here is my thinking: A conviction will require sentencing. The Democrat operatives are now desperate to avoid the bump in the polls that would give Trump. No more 3 times a day press conferences. No more Congressional delegations backing Trump. No appeals - to remind people of the disaster. Shut it down. He can't give a directed verdict - that makes the sham way too obvious. What is left? Jury instructions for the judge. No more witnesses for the prosecution. Costello (Cohen's former lawyer) will be allowed for the defense. The cross examination of Costello will be weak.

i.e. they are on the horns of a dilemma FJB if they do, FJB if they don't. But mainly - stop giving Trump all that free publicity. The trial is over. Totally.

The jury instructions will be key. Who do they favor?

Update: 1 June 2024 0226z

Guilty on all 34 counts and Trump and his supporters are energized. I think we will see a significant boost in the polls by Monday or Tuesday.

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Saturday, April 20, 2024

4/20 2024

Since I have been writing so much about Drugs lately, I thought a 4/20 recap of some of my most interesing posts might be in order. At the top of the list is:
Better Proof - The Government Is Lying About DRUGS. A short discussion of the biology of the endorphin system in layman's terms.

Alcohol consumption releases endorphins. All drugs of 'abuse' including cannabis release dopamine.

Donald Trump is a Christian of the Highest Order. He says, "Legalize".

My theory of Civilization. Also, I come out as a former abused child.

Social Problems Caused by Child Abuse

Child Abuse Created Socialism and Modern Feminism

Why Politics Attracts the Mentally Ill

The Role of PTSD in History

October 7th - We are fighting a mental illness
- this has guided my writing for the last 5 months.

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Monday, April 15, 2024

Better Proof - The Government Is Lying About DRUGS

The following discussion is for the endorphin system, whose receptors accept endorphins, opiates, and indirectly alcohol. However there are other routes to dopamine production. But the drugs we have the most trouble with are opiates and alcohol so to keep things simple I'll focus on those.

When it comes to the endorphin system the normal human condition is for the system to have some empty receptors. If the system has all full receptors it grows more. The DEA calls this growth of receptors "addiction". It is not. But we will get to that in a bit. The receptors in the endorphin system are called pain receptors because when enough receptors are empty you feel pain. But it is a continum from bliss - all receptors full, to extreme pain - all receptors empty. The normal human condition is some empty receptors - mild depression - so you can tell if something good happens. More receptors empy causes discomfort and depression. Do something! Then heavy depression. Then pain followed by screaming pain. Do something RIGHT NOW!!! Pain is a continum. And in that vein fillng an empty pain receptor reduces pain - even if it feels like something else (depression).

PTSD is a disorder that amonts to a continuous leak to the endorphin system. The initial trauma can last a lifetime and that means the receptor leak can be long lasting as well. What do people do who feel depressed? They look for relief. People in chronic pain (empty receptors) chronically take pain relievers (opiates, alcohol). Addiction is not caused by drugs. It is caused by pain. What is caused by drugs is Habituation. If you keep your receptors full by continuous drug taking your body will grow more. But that takes weeks and months. Empty receptors is much faster: milliseconds to minutes for the initial trauma and then hours, days, or weeks for the PTSD leak to have an effect. I do have an example.

Dr. Lonny Shavelson found that 70% of female heroin addicts had been sexually abused in childhood.

Drugs fill receptors.
Injury empties receptors. PTSD empties receptors.
Empty receptors are painful.
Filling empty receptors makes you feel good.
Empty receptors create a desire for drugs.
Drugs can not create a desire for drugs.

In America we have a pain problem. A problem with long term pain (PTSD). A problem with child abuse. A problem with soldier and civilian trauma (PTSD). We don't have a Drug problem. That, like Alcohol Prohibition, is a Government caused problem. Denying pain relief is not viable politically or socially or even morally. People will go to great lenghts including defying government to get pain relief.

Other drugs of abuse seem to work similarly but have different pathways. They all affect the dopamine system ultimately.

If you liked this you may like Proof - The Government Is Lying About DRUGS

Donald Trump is a Christian of the Highest Order. He says "Legalize". Which will stop the current abuse of formerly Abused Children.

Addiction, a medical condition, is a crime in America.

Social Problems Caused by Child Abuse.

People in chronic pain chronically take pain relievers. - This is a crime if your pain is not authorized.

Update: 18 April 2024 - 2209z

I just found this CNN news clip from 2021 : Biden administration drug czar says it’s time to treat drug addiction like a chronic disease.


A better popular understanding of the biology will help end the war on people in pain. Please pass this around. Help end the persecutions.

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Sunday, April 14, 2024

Alcohol consumption releases endorphins

Alcohol consumption releases endorphins

Alcohol exerts numerous pharmacological effects through its interaction with various neurotransmitters and neuromodulators. Among the latter, the endogenous opioids play a key role in the rewarding (addictive) properties of ethanol.

Does regular drinking make you a heroin addict?

The Body's Own Morphine - Endorphins


Better Proof - The Government Is Lying About DRUGS

Update: 14 April 2024 1430z

It turns out that through different pathways cannabis has the same reward mechanism as alcohol and heroin - dopamine.
Increases in mesolimbic dopamine transmission are observed when animals are treated with all known drugs of abuse, including cannabis, and to conditioned stimuli predicting their availability. In contrast, decreases in mesolimbic dopamine function are observed during drug withdrawal, including cannabis-withdrawal syndrome. Thus, despite general misconceptions that cannabis is unique from other drugs of abuse, cannabis exerts identical effects on the mesolimbic dopamine system.

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Tuesday, April 09, 2024

Proof - The Government Is Lying About DRUGS

Drugs fill receptors.
Pain empties receptors. PTSD empties receptors.
Filling empty receptors makes you feel good.
Empty receptors create a desire for drugs.
Drugs can not create a desire for drugs.

Currently, if obvious pain inducers (a wound, xray images of damage, history of a wound) causes your pain you can be prescribed drugs for the duratoion of your pain as long as the pain does not last too long. If your pain lasts too long you might be an addict, and for addicts pain relief is not allowed. Because sometimes the pain never ends and using drugs for never ening pain is bad. You could be an addict. And addicts are bad because addiction is bad. Drugs, don't you know? There is nothing wrong with doing bad things to bad people. Denying them pain relief say. Or putting them in jail if they disregard the limits (zero) on their pain relief.

If your pain comes from PTSD drugs are not allowed. You might be faking it and just using the drugs for a good time. But drugs are only a good time if your receptors are empty. If your receptors are full they have no effect other than physiological (breathing, digestion, etc.). And if your receptors are empty you are in pain. Because they are the same receptors.

So not only is it impossible for drugs to cause addiction, there are no such things as recreational drug users. The 'recreation' is pain relief.

The topper for all this? Alcohol is a drug used for pain in America without remark. We gave up persecuting alcohol addicts over 90 years ago. But we make no effort to switch them to safer drugs. We don't want no more stinkin drug addicts, do we?

My prescription? Stop making criminals out of people in pain.

Update: 14 April 2024 1043z

Evidently we already have more stinkin drug addicts than originally imagined. Alcohol consumption releases endorphins.


Dennis Peron once said something to the effect of "All use is medical use." - Looks like it, doesn't it?

Better Proof - The Government Is Lying About DRUGS

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Saturday, April 06, 2024

Donald Trump is a Christian of the Highest Order

Despite what the left says Trump is a Christian of the highest order.

Addiction, a medical condition, is a crime in America. Aren't Christians supposed to care for the sick and injured?

Trump said at a Miami Herald 1990 Awards luncheon "Legalize". I'm with him.

Update: 7 April 2024 0738z

We know a bit more about Drugs than we used to.

Drugs fill receptors. Filling empty receptors makes you feel good. What empties the receptors drugs fill? Pain and possibly other things. Drugs can't cause a desire for drugs.

Medical schools in America teach - addiction is a symptom of PTSD.

Dr. Lonny Shavelson found that 70% of female heroin addicts had been sexually abused in childhood. Stop child abuse.

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Friday, March 15, 2024

If they are abused children

The title refers to a theory of mine - Woke is a parade of abused children. Child abuse and child sexual abuse are known to cause the abused to have deviant sexual desires. It is also known to cause drug abuse for pain relief.

If they are abused children then the various 'Bibles' calling for their murder are depraved, as are all the followers of those Bibles. There are nothing but false teachers everywhere. That level of schadenfreude is totally amusing to me, besides being beyond belief. All these 'Godly' people calling for the murder of innocents because they currently can't conform due to abuse. Punished twice.

Christians are going to have to repudiate the Torah - the 'Old Testament'. I can tell you Jews already have - it goes something like "You need two hundred witnesses to be sure. Even one less than that and there is doubt." The 'crime' is still on the books. It can't be prosecuted.

It will be nice having religions that actually match the needs of the human condition. Christianity will need re-inventing (the loving heart of Jesus heals - could be a starting point). Islam is toast.

The changes coming are inevitable. Abused child PTSD is the key to civilization. Currently (covert) and in the future (open).

Count me in on ending the tribulation.

The Role of PTSD in History.

Why Politics Attracts the Mentally Ill.

Social Problems Caused by Child Abuse.

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Sunday, March 03, 2024

My theory of Civilization

Everyone in the public eye is an abused child with PTSD and narcissism. Normal people like privacy. - I fit that model.

To become useful I changed a few things. I gave up the anger. I opened my heart. I'm no longer a control FREAK. I don't CRAVE power. I can use it when I have it.

I probably should ammend that to say I have toned those things down a bit. Especially the anger and blackheartedness. I'd still like to be rich and famous.

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Friday, March 01, 2024

Addiction, a medical condition, is a crime in America.

Addiction, a medical condition, is a crime in America.

Isn't it past time it wasn't?

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Thursday, February 08, 2024

We Have a New President

Washington is acting like Trump has already been elected. He is starting his term a year early. Trump is now saying ALL States are in play. I have been seeing that for the last two weeks. He is talking of a Madison Square Garden Rally. No one doubts the win - the only question now is - HOW BIG?

The Ukraine aid strategy should reflect that. Because the politics already is. The sham "Bi-partisan" border effort no longer is. Even Mitch McConnell is voting against the first draft.

Maybe a standalone bill with nothing but arms transfers (no money) would pass. When it comes to Ukraine Aid focus on what can be done. The reason the Border/Ukraine Bill isn't going to pass isn't Trump (he is a rallying point). It is a bad bill that got shot down as soon as it was exposed (Do you wonder why it was hidden until Monday? I don't.). "Trump was doing much better with no Bill" is a difficult argument to beat as an evaluation. And SOB. It is true.

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Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Social Problems Caused by Child Abuse

I wanted to call out some social problems, besides politics, that are heavily influenced by child abuse.

1. Drug Use
2. Petty crime
3. Prostitution
4. Murder
5. Gangsters

1. Drug Use. Drug use comes from the desire for pain relief. Abused child PTSD is experienced as a depressing, painful, continuous experience. It empties the opiate receptors. Filling them relieves the pain.

2. Petty crime. Abuse causes "the world owes me a living" feelings. Petty crime is not a crime at all in the minds of the abused. They are owed.

3. Prostitution Sexual abuse destroys sexual boundaries and instills "this is all I'm good for" feelings.

4. Murder. Angry people murder more often than those not living in anger.

5. Gangsters. Abused children long for family that understands them. The gang provides that. Willing criminality keeps "normals" away ("I couldn't be that violent, that criminal."). They can take their anger out on society as a group activity. Drug dealing is a common 'for profit' gang activity for obvious reasons. One of which is wholsale (cheap and easy) access to drugs for pain relief.

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Friday, January 19, 2024

Child Abuse Created Socialism and Modern Feminism

I have been doing some more thinking. The first bit about socialism is sort of a rehash. Below that is feminism.

Socialism is the invention of an abused child. That explains "the world owes me a living" mindset. Marx was an abused child. Stalin was an abused child. Hitler was an abused child. Putin is an abused child. Their displaced rage from the abuse destroyed their morals. The anger and narcissism are the disease.

The Role of PTSD in History.

Modern Feminism was designed by abused children. The tell is the "man hatred".

Abused child PTSD is a mental illness.The anger is the disease.

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Monday, January 01, 2024

Why Politics Attracts the Mentally Ill

Why is nearly everyone in politics mentally ill? Because, some mental illnesses cause a craving for power and control. And the illness is ==>

Abused child PTSD. They are mentally ill. The (displaced) anger is the disease. As is the narcissism. They crave power and control. Politics is full of them.

Hitler and Stalin were abused children. So was Karl "The World Owes Me A Living" Marx.

There is more on the subject and links to other articles at: The Role of PTSD in History

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