Saturday, August 05, 2006

I hope you get called up

The Weekly Standard has an interesting article about morale in Israel. Lee Smith relates a conversation he heard in a bar in Israel.

The night before last I was at a small bar when one of the departing patrons wished the bartender, a barrel-chested guy in his mid-20s, a good night and added, "Hey man, I hope you get called up." "Thanks," said the bartender cheerfully, "I appreciate it." Did he mean that he hopes you get called for reserve duty, I asked. "Yes," the bartender explained. "Everyone really wants to do their part in what's going on right now."

It has been curious these last three weeks to follow the ongoing press narratives: On one hand, there is the "Israel" constructed by the media, a country divided, fearful and unsure of itself and its capacity to fight; and then there is the press version of "Lebanon," where "disproportionate" Israeli bombing has driven all the Lebanese into the warm embrace of the Islamic resistance.
This is a sign that morale in Israel is very high. If Iran thought defeating a fractious Israel would be easy they have learned nothing from history. Lebanon however is still deeply divided over this war. My estimation is that the war will go on until the Israelis say stop. They are no where near that decision. It may take the surrender of Syria to produce such a result.

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1 comment:

Unknown said...

Reminds me of the miniseries Masada where Eliezer tells Silva the secret to beating the Jews -- leave them alone to fight among themselves.