Saturday, January 29, 2005

A few questions

I was over at the Belmont Club tossing down a few when some questions came up. Here they are:

I keep asking my friends on the farther right these questions:

What is the purpose of making a black market in abortion?

What is the purpose of making a black market for drugs?

What social purpose is served by creating and enriching a criminal class?

What is the lesson of alcohol prohibition?

What is the point of passing laws that will be widely flouted?

What is the difference between passing laws and solving problems?

In fact if passing laws works so good why didn't laws against crashing planes into buildings work on 9/11?

How does multiplying the number of people with experience with violating serious laws help create a civil society?

Is an experienced smuggler class a good idea?

How many agents per mile are required to seal a border?

Do laws against guns really work? (you see this kind of stupidity is not just on the right)

I'm still waiting for answers.


Anonymous said...

My question when reading yours is why do you ask most of those questions to those on the far right?


M. Simon said...

Well I consider myself a member of the right and now that Sullivan has gone off the tracks I consider it my duty to keep the right honest.

If you go to the Belmot Club thread I linked to you will see what I was responding to.

My position is that the purpose of government is to prevent violence, prevent fraud, and encourage the observance of the laws. Passing laws that will have a significant percentage of the population as violaters encourages disrespect for the law.

The law loses its majesty.

This is not a good thing for civil society.

BTW I do point out that the Dems engage in this sort of "passing a law will change everything" thinking.
