Tuesday, February 11, 2025

In Over 100 Years Nobody Said A Thing

What scares the cartels the most is that America will stop fighting addictive drugs.

Receptor science (100+ years old) says there are NO addictive drugs. Drugs fill receptors. What empties receptors (injury, PTSD) causes a desire for pain relieving drugs. Drugs CAN'T cause addiction. People take pain relievers to relieve pain.
Another American war based on lies. I hope we get tired of it. Real Soon.

The knowledge is over 100 years old. Why didn't somebody say something? The big pharma case about "addictive drugs" would have been a perfect case to bring this up.
Multiple states have reached a tentative new agreement with the Sackler family, who made billions of dollars marketing OxyContin, the drug that set off the U.S. opioid crisis.

New York State Attorney General Letitia James said in a statement that the Sackler family will pay up to $6.5 billion, while their privately held company, Purdue Pharma, will pay nearly $900 million.

If the deal goes through, the funds will go to the states, local governments, and individuals that have sued Purdue and the Sacklers. State and local governments have spent opioid settlement funds on addressing the harms caused by the opioid crisis.

The U.S. opioid crisis has killed tens of thousands of people each year for more than a decade. There were 81,083 opioid deaths in the U.S. in 2023, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
The "crisis" assumes drugs cause addiction and that any distribition of them through unauthorized channells or excessive distribution in aurhorized channels is a threat to the community.

The likely actual cause was an uptick in child abuse 15 or 20 years prior. Or it could be Service Connected. Dr. Lonny Shavelson in his book "Hooked" said that 70% of female heroin addicts had been sexually abused in childhood. We are making war on abused children and disabled vets.

You have to ask - why didn't a doctor or nurse object? Why didn't the Sackler family or Purdue Pharma object? They stood to save billions if drugs weren't the cause of the "opiod crisis".

Think of all the publications with doctors and nurses on staff. In 100+ years no one has contradicted "addictive drugs". Why? It will be a very interesting topic for discussion. I could have written "Receptor science....." 50 years ago if I had thought about it and I'm a layman relative to the subject. What actually happened is that I got a message. "Write something about drugs and receptors." About two weeks later I started on the subject with Proof - The Government Is Lying About DRUGS and finished about a week after that with Better Proof - The Government Is Lying About DRUGS.

Somebody ought to sidle up close to Doctor Rand Paul when convenient and ask the Senator what he knows about receptor science. Then give him the whole story and ask why he kept silent. Ask all of the rest of the doctors in Congress as well.

The closest we come to a direct statement on the subject other than mine is Nobel Prize Winner in Medicine Eric Kandel who says in his book, "The Disordered Mind" that addiction is a symptom of PTSD. Which is true but does not really cover the full scope of the evidence.

You want to know how entrenched the war is? No Publication, Left, Middle, Right, MSM, Alt. Media, anyone, has suggested ending it based on it being run on false premises.

Let me add. I notified all my anti-prohibition friends and publications some months back that drugs don't cause addiction. They ALL remain silent. Drug war profits must be good all around, eh?

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