Thursday, December 14, 2006

Dear Muslim

While noodling around the 'net I found this discussion of how muslims should relate to the countries of the west that have opened their arms to them:

Dear Muslim, you know full well that it is Islam's dysfunctional doctrine with its stone-age rule of the Shariah that is responsible for the abominable conditions of the Islamic countries.

Contrary to the preachers of hate - the Islamic clergy of vested interests - the "infidels" are not your enemies: they demonstrate their goodwill by giving you refuge; your deadly enemy is the interpretation of the doctrine of Islam that keeps you captive even in freedom.

Religion is a powerful force. And as is the case with any force, it can do work of the good or that of the evil. And when there is multiplicity of religions at loggerheads with one another the forces clash and any benefit that religion offers is offset by potentially huge costs.

Given that the formerly vast and largely segregated planet earth has shrunk into a "global village," the disparate peoples isolated from one another for millennia are now a village community. The-thrown-together diverse people are in urgent need of adopting a social compact that would allow individuals as well as groups maximum latitude of faith, coupled with responsibility, and free of any practices that infringe on the rights of others or demonize them.

Regrettably, Islam as too often practiced is incompatible with such a harmonious compact. As an article of faith, Islam considers all non-Muslims, even the so-called people of the book, as infidels - people who are to be subjugated or cleansed from Allah's earth.
There is lots more. GRTWT

1 comment:

Karridine said...

Dear Muslim, one of the many truths revealed by the Seal of the Prophets, Muhammad, is that all humankind (and this includes Muslims) has a right to turn in submission to the Will of God as revealed by the Holy One promised by Muhammad and sent by God in the Year 1260 AH.

Because I trust Muhammad, I turn to the Promised Qaim, Whose coming May 23, 1844CE/1260AH marks the end of the old world, of prophecy and kings and priests and separation and hatred.

Muhammad promised it, The Bab confirmed it and Baha'u'llah amplified it, so I believe it.

You, Dear Muslim, are invited to learn of the new world being created even at this very moment by True Muslims, who are called Baha'is.

You can benefit from all the good brought by Muhammad, and none of the hatred, slavery or abuse which has developed in His holy faith, when you turn to the Glory of God, Baha'u'llah.

Who was it said, "Do all for the Glory of God"...?