Wednesday, December 29, 2004

Quasi Intelligent Design

How about Quasi Intelligent Design?

That is we have a smart designer some weeks but when he is busy they bring in some idiot who hasn't studied the situation and hasn't a clue as to what comes next.

This completely explains what some people call randomness. It is not randomness. It is stupidity. The most common element of the universe.


If you insist on filling the gaps with gods then as the gaps get filled gods get driven out of the gaps.

Making a religion dependent on the tortoises stacked on elephants is sure to disapoint as knowledge advances.

It makes science look smart and religion stupid.

This effort to make religion look stupid is the #1 effort of some types of religionists. To make a weak religion look powerful (for a time) they claim more for religion than can be defended. They chose positions that are dependent on current ignorance.

The fight is caused by stupID religions. Science has no dog in the fight over religion. The way religion avoids the problem is to have no beliefs that can be refuted by facts or be willing to adapt belief to current knowledge.

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