Saturday, March 08, 2025

Fighting the Deep State

Posted at Truth Social:

I sent this to the Heritage Foundation. You too claim to be against the Deep State and yet you are intensifying the Drug War. It doesn't add up.
To the Heritage Foundation ==>
I saw your ad about you opposing the Deep State. I don't recall you coming out against the Drug War at any time in the last 30 or 40 years. Buckley did. As you well know from McCoy, "The Politics of Heroin" 1972, The Drug War funds the Deep State. It is a war on people in pain. Vile and despicable. And you are quiet.

The main cause of addiction in America is abused child PTSD with military service PTSD coming in second. Dr. Lonny Shavelson in his book "Hooked" said that 70% of female heroin addicts had been sexually abused in childhood. We are making war on abused children and disabled vets. And then there is science. Addiction is a symptom of PTSD says Nobel Prize Winner in Medicine Eric Kandel in his book, "The Disordered Mind." Receptor science (100+ years old) says there are NO addictive drugs. Drugs fill receptors. What empties receptors (injury, PTSD) causes a desire for pain relieving drugs. Drugs CAN'T cause addiction. People take pain relievers to relieve pain. So, the Trump Strategy is to make war on people in pain to make them give up pain relief. Is that gonna work? For over 100 years - it hasn't.

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Saturday, March 01, 2025

Russia Needs the Cure

A comment I posted somewhere on the 'net.

Russia is so fearful of NATO that it attacked Ukraine causing Finland and Sweden to join NATO. Them Russians are so clever. They made NATO "attack" them. There is a lie in there somewhere. The lie is you left out the "Historical Russia" plan for a Soviet Reunion minus Communism. Poland does believe in it and is rearming accordingly. NATO or not. Russia since Tzarist days has always been an Imperial power. Communism or its lack hasn't changed that. This week is no different. Germany used to have that problem until it got the cure.

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Friday, February 28, 2025


Drugs CAN'T cause addiction. They can cause habituation if you take them long enough. Emptying receptors, filling them, growing new receptors, pruning old ones - Is how your body manages pain. Addiction is caused by empty receptors. Habituation is caused by full receptors. They operate on different time scales.

Habituation depends on a long term "overabundance signal". New receptors start growing if you are euphoric or at least very happy for on the order of days. "Contented" is the neutral signal. "Addiction" (desire for pain relief) is caused by something emptying receptors. The time constant for that is milliseconds (severe injury) to hours (PTSD caused leak). This is an extremely condensed explanation of what is going on. Besides administered drugs you have to consider natural endorphin production and the lifetime of a receptor. And other things.

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Monday, February 24, 2025

Ask Your Doctor.......

Ask your doctor about receptors, drugs, and pain.

Why? To verify the following.
Drugs fill receptors. What empties receptors (injury, PTSD) causes a desire for pain relieving drugs. Drugs CAN'T cause addiction. Receptor science (100+ years old) says there are NO addictive drugs. People take pain relievers to relieve pain.

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Saturday, February 22, 2025

The Destruction of American Culture

I was having a discussion with a guy in the comments about what could be done about abortion besides creating a Black Market for abortion pills.

Absolute #1 - STOP BEING OBSESSED BY ABORTION - it clouds the thinking. The biggest thing missing from American culture is desire for families. The people with the biggest problem with family formation are abused children. There is zero effort going into a public culture of healing child abuse. The problem needs extensive study. The answers will become more obvious with more understanding. I can tell you just a little understanding can clear BIG Problems. Proof? Try this: Dr. Lonny Shavelson in his book "Hooked" said that 70% of female heroin addicts had been sexually abused in childhood. We are making war on abused children. We could put "addicts" (people in pain) under a Drs. care. Much cheaper than war and criminal gangs. If we started a serious look into who and why of abortion we might see more clearly. Our problem is we think we understand when we obviously don't.

Which got me to thinking about culture and how did ours get to be such a mess. So I added to my reply.

I'm a war baby. The Post war culture was absolutely obsessed with families. Saturday Evening Post covers. Ladies Home Journal. etc. etc. etc. We got a Baby Boom out of it. Biggest American Generation ever. And then Communist Feminists got a hold of feminism. What did they all have in common with each other? They were all abused children. So what did they do to destroy the American culture? The "Me too" movement. And the abused children came out of the woodwork and all men were smeared. "Toxic masculinity" was born. The Toxic Males it turns out were also abused children. But none of those connections are being made.

Karl Marx was an abused child and a drug addict. They go together. As do child abuse and adult deviance. There is a cause. It can be at least reduced and healed.

I'm proposing a counter-culture war. Explain how we got here and start moving back. There is no longer a need to fight about it. We can heal the abuse.

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Saturday, February 15, 2025

Google search - Drugs Don't Cause Addiction

If you do a Google search on - Drugs don't cause addiction - what you see in the screenshot below (with the outline added by me) comes up along with a featured link and several others.

Note the part circled in red. "However, the statement that drugs don't cause addiction is considered dangerous and irresponsible to many otherwise reasonable people."

When I ask Duck-Duck the same question I get a number of links (several of those links below) withoout an editorial.

Many people use drugs – but here’s why most don’t become addicts

What are the Root Causes of Addiction?

Drugs Don’t Cause Addiction: This Brilliant Video Will Change Your View on Drugs Forever

On top of all that we know from Receptor Science (which is not covered in any of the above links) that drugs absolutely can't cause addiction.
The main cause of addiction in America is abused child PTSD with military service PTSD coming in second. Dr. Lonny Shavelson in his book "Hooked" said that 70% of female heroin addicts had been sexually abused in childhood. We are making war on abused children and disabled vets. And then there is science. Addiction is a symptom of PTSD says Nobel Prize Winner in Medicine Eric Kandel in his book, "The Disordered Mind." Receptor science (100+ years old) says there are NO addictive drugs. Drugs fill receptors. What empties receptors (injury, PTSD) causes a desire for pain relieving drugs. Drugs CAN'T cause addiction. People take pain relievers to relieve pain.

I comment on the fact that even after 100+ years this information is still relatively unknown despite the US alone spending trillions on the "problem". And that doesn't even count the crime (Black Market murder, stealing to pay for high priced drugs) it causes. ==> In Over 100 Years Nobody Said A Thing

A nice little video on how "addictive drugs" are used to ruin neighborhoods. A Federal Marshall talks Systemic Racism after a minute and some of introductions.

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Tuesday, February 11, 2025

In Over 100 Years Nobody Said A Thing

What scares the cartels the most is that America will stop fighting addictive drugs.

Receptor science (100+ years old) says there are NO addictive drugs. Drugs fill receptors. What empties receptors (injury, PTSD) causes a desire for pain relieving drugs. Drugs CAN'T cause addiction. People take pain relievers to relieve pain.
Another American war based on lies. I hope we get tired of it. Real Soon.

The knowledge is over 100 years old. Why didn't somebody say something? The big pharma case about "addictive drugs" would have been a perfect case to bring this up.
Multiple states have reached a tentative new agreement with the Sackler family, who made billions of dollars marketing OxyContin, the drug that set off the U.S. opioid crisis.

New York State Attorney General Letitia James said in a statement that the Sackler family will pay up to $6.5 billion, while their privately held company, Purdue Pharma, will pay nearly $900 million.

If the deal goes through, the funds will go to the states, local governments, and individuals that have sued Purdue and the Sacklers. State and local governments have spent opioid settlement funds on addressing the harms caused by the opioid crisis.

The U.S. opioid crisis has killed tens of thousands of people each year for more than a decade. There were 81,083 opioid deaths in the U.S. in 2023, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
The "crisis" assumes drugs cause addiction and that any distribition of them through unauthorized channells or excessive distribution in aurhorized channels is a threat to the community.

The likely actual cause was an uptick in child abuse 15 or 20 years prior. Or it could be Service Connected. Dr. Lonny Shavelson in his book "Hooked" said that 70% of female heroin addicts had been sexually abused in childhood. We are making war on abused children and disabled vets.

You have to ask - why didn't a doctor or nurse object? Why didn't the Sackler family or Purdue Pharma object? They stood to save billions if drugs weren't the cause of the "opiod crisis".

Think of all the publications with doctors and nurses on staff. In 100+ years no one has contradicted "addictive drugs". Why? It will be a very interesting topic for discussion. I could have written "Receptor science....." 50 years ago if I had thought about it and I'm a layman relative to the subject. What actually happened is that I got a message. "Write something about drugs and receptors." About two weeks later I started on the subject with Proof - The Government Is Lying About DRUGS and finished about a week after that with Better Proof - The Government Is Lying About DRUGS.

Somebody ought to sidle up close to Doctor Rand Paul when convenient and ask the Senator what he knows about receptor science. Then give him the whole story and ask why he kept silent. Ask all of the rest of the doctors in Congress as well.

The closest we come to a direct statement on the subject other than mine is Nobel Prize Winner in Medicine Eric Kandel who says in his book, "The Disordered Mind" that addiction is a symptom of PTSD. Which is true but does not really cover the full scope of the evidence.

You want to know how entrenched the war is? No Publication, Left, Middle, Right, MSM, Alt. Media, anyone, has suggested ending it based on it being run on false premises.

Let me add. I notified all my anti-prohibition friends and publications some months back that drugs don't cause addiction. They ALL remain silent. Drug war profits must be good all around, eh?

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Monday, January 27, 2025

subject to the jurisdiction thereof

All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside.

"and subject to the jurisdiction thereof"

The important word is subject - who are they subjects of? Which would mean today - what country are they citizens of? Since kings and queens are mostly ceremonial these days.

That means children born to illegals are not Americans. Because what makes them illegal is that they are subjects of a different king/country/jurisdiction as are their children, no matter where they are born.

It is how we handle the children of ambassadors. The children of illegals should be handled no differently.

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Thursday, January 23, 2025

George Floyd

The persecutions of people like George Floyd have to stop. Dr. Lonny Shavelson in his book "Hooked" said that 70% of female heroin users were sexually abused in childhood. We are making war on abused children.

Floyd should have been seeing a doctor not a policeman looking for a drug bust. And the rioters never considered the actual cause. The law.

We are fighting addictive drugs, when there are no such things. The usual government program. Invent a problem and spend trillions fighting it.

According to receptor theory (100+ years old) there are NO addictive drugs. Drugs fill receptors. What empties receptors (injury, PTSD) causes a desire for drugs. Drugs CAN'T cause addiction. People take pain relievers to relieve pain. There is no addiction. There is only pain and pain relief.

George Floyd was the victim of bad law, not bad police.

Lying government (drugs cause addiction) didn't help.

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Stop the Violence

I was reading the comments at Trump’s chilling ultimatum to Putin as he demands Russia ends Ukraine war, and came across this one from @оалатвлвд .

If someone committed a heinous crime against your child and when you went to retaliate, some said "stop the violence" mhow would you feel?
Good question. I had an answer.
I am the child violated. I say don't fight evil. Heal it. Fighting often causes civilian casualties. Fighting adds evil to the world. The question is "Can you give up the anger?" And then - can you help the perpetrator do the same. The anger is the disease.
The anger is the disease.

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Wednesday, January 08, 2025

Acquiring Territory by War Is Unseemly in the 21st Century

In an article discussing the Democrat's delay of the DNI nomination, I had this to say about what is currently going on.

A one or two week delay is the best the Democrats can do. Look at how little power they have.

The House and Senate are now Republican and united. It is a slim margin but he has the MO. Let us hope the current delusions of empire are not permanent. How about we offer Panama something. Statehood. I do not like acquiring territory by war. It is unseemly in the 21st Century.

What is it actually worth to us? Is it sufficiently Amaricanized?

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Tuesday, December 31, 2024

It Was Fifty Years Ago This Month

The personal Computer Revolution started with the introduction of an 8 bit computer with switches for input and blinking lightss for output. The Altair 8800 appeared on the cover of Popular Electronics Magazine in January of 1975. It sold for $395 as a kit and $498 assembled.

I lived on the outskirts of Carbondale, Illinois at the time in a 40ft geodesic dome house. There was snow on the ground when I went to my mailbox by the Round House across the way. When I got the magazine out and saw the cover I ran back to the Dome screaming. My girlfriend and later wife, Sandy, did not at all understand the commotion. I explained it to her. "This changes everything. It is the start of the computer revolution. Every one will have one." Of course she gave me an odd look and a wan smile. I could see what she was thinking. "Computers are for IBM and take up large rooms and requite gangs of people to operate. Me own one? What are the odds?" Currently she has two, a laptop and a handheld (cell phone). Both more capable than the 1975 IBM top of the line by a factor of at least ten thousand.

I moved to Chicago in late spring of that year. After some struggles getting work and getting settled (I stayed with some friends of Dr. Nilda - who I knew from Carbondale - Suki and Jim on Sheffield and Dickens, sleeping on their couch in the living room), I got a place to live. The place was The St. Nicholas Theater on Halsted Street. They were just getting started and had to rent out what would later become their office space to make ends meet. They picked me. Their first show was going to be David Mamet's "American Buffalo". I regularly saw David and the rest of the cast and crew including Bill Macy. We had regular smoke sessions and I would expound on the coming computer revolution. I messianically believed in what I was doing and I'm sure David picked up on it. Years later I saw Bill on the street in Chicago and he told me that I was the inspiration for David's Play 'The Water Engine" about an inventor who gets knocked off to protect corporate interests. The reality was that the computer revolution depended on the products of big corporations used in ways they hadn't imagined or at the very least weren't currently at the top of their priority list.

After 6 months at the St. Nicholas, the theater company needed the space for offices and so I needed to move. Me and Sandy moved to 2053 N. Sheffield, practically next door to Suki and Jim, which would be our shop/home for about the next 8 years. I found out about the C.A.C.H.E. Club and started going to meetings where I met my lifelong friend and associate Clyde Philips. He introduced me to the computer language FORTH which I still use to this day. Ted Nelson, a computer visionary, gave frequent talks at different meetings to inspire us all. Around that time I also wrote and got published an article, Faster Erase Times - Kilobaud March 1978, on EPROMs and how to erase them. I sold kits.

When I bought my first computer there were already clones developed and the S-100 bus was becoming a standard. in fact it did become an IEEE standard a few years later. I bought an IMSAI which had Flip switches and a resonant transformer power supply for better voltage regulation than a normal line voltage transformer. That reduced the stress on the linear voltage regulator typical of the power supplies of the day. The LM7805 was king. All kinds of boards were becoming available as kits, but there was something missing.

I was walking down the street in Chicago in the summer of 1977 and the thought came to me, there is no good S-100 I/O Board, I had better design one. I probably started work that day. Intel had a very nice and very popular manual for its 8080 family of chips. There were three I/O chips I was interested in. A serial port/UART, the 8251. A counter timer chip, the 8253. And a parallel port chip with three 8 bit ports, the 8255. There was also 1K of RAM and up to 4K of EPROM. It turns out the 8251 did not have a software reset, meaning you had to tie up parallel port resources to make it work in a system. I never used it on another board, ever. But all this is hindsight. I learned all this while using the board in my system. So when Randy/Ward said they had a problem with the 8251 I was ready with a fix. I went over to where they kept the BBS prototype and showed them where to make the cuts and jumpers for the fix. I think they had everything up and running about a week or two after that. On Feb. 16, 1978 the BBS went live. I did not have a modem at the time and it wasn't until I got a modem a month later that I first logged in. The modem was a slow acoustic modem. My first log in was probably at 300 baud. I just wanted to check the connection. I didn't use it much the first few years it was up but got more involved when BBS networks started forming and discussions of politics started. I had a long distance telephone bill of $100 a month to keep up with the conversations I wanted to be involved with. Mostly National Politics and the Drug War.

That is how it all began for me and here we are fifty years later and the machines are not only talking to each other, they are now talking back at us.

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Tuesday, December 03, 2024

We Must Have Misunderstood

All along they must have been saying "No one is a bug the law." Whatever that means.

Because after the Hunter Biden pardon, they couldn't possibly have been saying:

"No one is above the law."

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Sunday, December 01, 2024


A feature of PTSD is the anger. It is also a feature of schizophrenia.

I wonder if they are different forms of the same disease.

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Thursday, November 28, 2024

Time For Another Reformation

The biggest failing of Christian Doctrine is not promoting Christ's teaching, "Any man can do what I have done." It does away with a need for a lot of Church. The Church founders were institutionalists.


Any man can do what I have done. My basic method follows.

Shut up, listen, and pay attention. There may be some redundancy involved.

If you are quiet enough and listening, you will start getting messages. Paying attention includes doing what you are told.

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Monday, November 25, 2024

A New Age

I come, not to wrestle with the Devil, but heal him.

Don't fight evil - heal it

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