Friday, October 27, 2023

Peace in Gaza

This is an e-mail I sent to some Jewish friends who are desperate for Peace in Gaza.

There won't be any until the Middle East Stops teaching their children to Kill Jews.

And for Hamas particularly their Charter.

If I was to make a guess on how it is done I'd say they abuse their boys severely. It creates permanent anger. Then when they grow up tell them the Jews did it. It creates people ready to commit the vilest of acts because their anger is so extreme. Classic PTSD and displaced anger. Hitler was an abused child. Stalin too. For some Western examples.

They raise their kids to be Nazis. Wanting to make peace with them will not fix it.

There are so many we can not treat them as individuals.

And yes. The conclusions to be drawn from this are ugly in the extreme. Fortunately I'm a military man, trained to deal with ugly situations -- this one has to die - this one we can save. There is a war on. We all have to think like that while it lasts. And stop when DeNazification is complete.

The time to love your enemies is AFTER they surrender. They have to feel defeated to help (force) them to give up their ideology. Think Nazi Germany.


PS - Some History -

Acolytes of Hitler

The Muslim Brotherhood allied with Hitler.
Hamas is an offshoot of The Muslim Brotherhood.

I never before heard of Jews wanting to make Peace with Hitler - ever. What changed?

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