Tuesday, March 06, 2007

What Would Lenny Say?

I have the answer to the Ann Coulter problem. Just ask yourself what would Lenny Bruce say?

What would Lenny Say?

Cross Posted at The Astute Bloggers


Karridine said...

"Aphroism"... isn't that a way of talking about puffed-up haircuts for Blacks?

Aphorisms... one pithy phrase after another!

Karridine said...

And as for Lenny Bruce, by his actions he shed a bit of wisdom on some of America's shared speech/attitude habits...

But he was NEVER a cultural icon I could hold up for emulation, being often a foul-mouthed comedian and social commentator..

Doug said...

Long time, Karridine:
I thought maybe they put you under house arrest after the coups.
...or that they were having you perform brain surgery with spoons on enemies of the state.

Karridine said...

Doug, BAY-Bee!

They even gave me more than a dozen surgical spunes, on condition I not tell ANYbody...


Now I'll hafta KILL you...

linearthinker said...

Lenny Bruce may have been a genius, but like many a genius, I suspect he was a tormented soul. Not to detract from his brilliant club routines and courage to speak his mind, but every time his name comes up, I'm reminded of the story about him that he was screwing one of the maternity ward nurses while his wife (or girlfriend, or whatever) was in labor with his child. If this is a myth, somebody set me straight so I can regain some respect for him.

M. Simon said...

It was probably true.

His wife was a stripper so I'm sure she at least understood Lenny on a hormonal level. Not that she would be happy about it.