Friday, October 06, 2006

Jihadis Not Welcome

Fjordman at Gates of Vienna discusses the current situation in Europe with respect to their unassimilated Muslims.

The best prescription he gives for solving the problem is mentioned in the comments. It is rather simple:

The truth is that Europe has got itself into a bad fix, again, and will have some turbulent and painful decades ahead regardless of what we do at this point. The choice is between some pain where at least parts of Europe prevail and pain where Europe simply ceases to exist as a Western, cultural entity.

The most civilized thing we can do in order to save ourselves, but also to limit the loss of life among both Muslims and non-Muslims, is for Westerners and indeed infidels in general to implement a policy of containment of the Islamic world. This includes stopping Muslim immigration, but also by making our countries Islam-unfriendly, thus presenting the Muslims already here between the options of adapting to our societies or leaving if they desire sharia law. Even whispering about Jihad should be grounds for expulsion.
Rather harsh, but in the long run necessary.

Gates commenter heroyalwhyness suggested:
*Monitor all mosques and any found to solicite jihad (to any degree) or accept foreign aid should loose tax exempt status. Further seditious infraction(s) will result in shutting the entire congregation down with RICO Laws used for confiscating all properties to help fund anti terror measures.
I like that one. Sic our most vicious troops on them. Lawyers. Something that is already being done.


Anonymous said...

Harsh? Harsh is mass forced deportation, or the reciprocation of the jihadis violence back on Europe's Muslim population.

What is being described is merely stern, at best.

Anonymous said...


I'm beginning to see that the American democrapic party is now led by fascists. Since the stuff that's happening, here, makes no common sense. (And, there was a long period of time the democraps thought of themselves as the common man's party.)

Now? Well, IF you just look at one breaking story, you see that facistic controllers in the DNC are out of control! They've had at the Jewish voters, now, for a long time. But with the FOLEY matter, they breached the walls. And, headed into the GOP, terrorizing gays who, I'll bet ya, DON'T APPRECIATE IT!

Let alone that Hastert's head was not jerked off.

While in Iran, their head mullet is shouting from the rafters of mosques that to masturbate during Ramadan cancels the benefits of the fast.

Maybe you just don't see it? But I do. Business in the real world occurs when your customers drop off.

And, you just can't keep the religious idiots in business. Here's another example. When the churches told various local entities that shops had to be closed on Sunday mornings; to protect the church's interests. WAL-MART's saw the loophole. They opened stores OUTSIDE of local cities. And, then their business took off. And, the pews emptied.


You wouldn't even have to go so far back in Christian history to see how the Christian faith lost out. It was controlled by a few. Monarchs. Nobles. Priests. Who thought nothing of burning innocent people at the stake. With the biggest, most horrible eruption occurring when hitler had power for a dozen years.

Hilter lost. And, the eastern block of european states got stalin's boot directly up its collective asses.

Russia is now kaput.

Perhaps it seems as if the europeans are losing to the islamo-fascists; but I think, if you looked real hard, you'd see where the split occurs.

Europeans are less than likely now to SHOP among the arabs. (It's even showing as lost tourism in places like lebanon, and eygpt, as well.)

WHile the terrorists really do terrible violence against each other.

I'm not so sure the MSM, or better called "the Drive By Media" actually see what's happening. But on the Internet you can see a few things.

ONE: The "enraged crowds" are diminishing.

TWO: The iranian mullet who is now quoted, around the globe, as forbidding men to masturbate during a the whole month of Ramadan, isn't setting off a stoppage to masturbation. Use common sense. All you see is that inside the mosques nothing much is going on.

Well? When Wal-Mart first opened, all those city businesses didn't see the threat. They just worried about the cops who'd come by with ticket books. CUSTOMERS WENT ELSEWHERE.

We're also told that all this islamo-fascist crap is ONE BIG PILE. Ya know? I'd beg to differ. Africa is not ONE BIG PILE, either. Lots of separate units. All with different points of view. All wanting the modern conveniences. Where they have to import generators just to run their electronics.

I also notice that the koo-koo-nutter in iran is worried about the Internet, so he forbids iranians access. How likely is that to be successful?

About as likely as getting men to stop masturbating, I suppose?

Ya know, I have no idea how long we have to wait. Because contributing to the problem is Bush's willingness to give the Saudi princes (Fewer than 50,000) a blank check to operate. Which is on par with giving them the freedom to sponge up our lousy university system.

It just takes five years to teach a foreigner English language skills. And, this then gets promoted on the Internet. (Where there are only about 40 languages out there left in circulation; from 3000 that used to exist till recently.) Stuff gets translated. Men play with themselves. And, being open for business is way more important than what the priests, ministers, and rabbis, do. ALL religions are suffering from drop off rates.

Just as those languages have disappeared. We are globalizing at the same time the Islamofascists are writing their scripts. Hitler's got an expiration date.

What's missing? You don't know things can go bad, even in europe?

Of course, there's more than one way to skin a cat. Sometimes, you see adhesion losing when the kids kick off the chains the past generation tries to put on them.

At other times? Like wild indians, they believe if they paint themselves up they can terrorize peaceful communities. Now go out and see if you can find an nake injun coming to terrorize anyone in the United States.

We once had lots of injuns, ya know. And, not shortage to terror.

While currently? We no longer have to worry that a peaceful nation gets a loused up military. Where all the military can do is parade.

And, I don't think the future holds a shortage of wars. Or a shortage of cannon fodder. (Though using peasants that way sure cut short the holy roman empire. Which was never holy. Never roman. Or ever an empire.)

Did the clock stand still?

Sure. When the germanic tribes crossed the Rhine. And, a weakened roman empire fell.

I have a feeling if the arabs continue to run around in dresses, treating their women as if they were just goats, they're like the democraps. With a shovel. And, nobody's stopping them from digging. See if I care?

Duchess Of Austin said...

Carol Herman!! Please start a blog! I love your writing, although sometimes I have to read it twice :-)

I'd love to have a conversation with you! Please email me...

Sorry, Simon...please forgive my bad manners

M. Simon said...


If you I can get your permission I can forward your e-mail address to Carol.

Anonymous said...


First, to disappoint you, I'm not starting a blog. I've got zip interest.

But, yes, I'd love to correspond, via email. So, M.Simon, you have my permission to share this with the dutchess.

By the way, it seems I'm a "responder." If I wore a football uniform, I'd sit on the bench during offense. Waiting for my side to lose the ball, TO RETRIEVE THE BALL. Good news for quarterbacks. (But I tend to close my eyes when there's violence.)

Dutchess, how did you sit through Silence of the Lambs?

Again, we all get to read the news. A long time ago, I was listening to Drudge, when he said, as a youngster he had a habit of re-writing the headlines of the local papers. To make them "more informative."

And, you gotta believe he sets a mighty table to feast on every day. I don't know how he does it.

But, today, he ran the Pelosi piece. And, it then dawned on me that Pelosi knows she's lost her chance to reach the majority chair. How do I "know" that? Well, it's the best guess that I can come up with ... when I saw her "victory speech" so early. Why would she detail what she'd do as majority leader, now? Unless she knows she's being benched. And, Hastert's got the ball? Didn't lose a thing.

Are we getting one October Surprise, every year? 2004: Dan Blather. 2005: Fitzmas. 2006: Freaks in the donkey party just terrorized every single voting lesbian and gay person in America! Just in case you thought the "marriage amendment" wouldn't fly; you're seeing a site at the Gay Closet Door that's not to be believed.

Now, I didn't see "Silence of the Lambs." But I doubt most gays are lunatic radicals.

We're smelling "backfire" in the morning.

November 7th should be a hum dinger.

I also think the Islamofascists have set themselves up to lose. Since this generation isn't going to be able to keep a lid on the kids who already take all the electronic toys for granted.

Oh, yeah. The clue here was the isane iranian mullet who told all the faithful that if they masturbated during the month of Rama-dama-ding-dong, their fasting would be for naught.

Nothing will break the spirit of this month long "fast" faster.

If you don't believe religious beliefs change, then you don't know that women, today, go to work in pants suits. Had they tried this in 1950, they would have been sent home!

Oh, yeah. Hats and gloves went out the window, too.

Defense ain't bad when you can be aggressive.

Anonymous said...


Ya know, 9/11 woke Americans up!

And, given the problems reported from europe, a lot of europeans are very unhappy with what they see! They didn't build their socialist states for this crap!

On the other hand, it's as if the arabs think it's all copacetic. There's a flaw, here, somewhere.

There are arabs in every single land. Just like the chinese. And, Indians. You can go almost anywhere. And, run into them. The arabs have actually made themselves at home for generations, now. Here. In America.

And, yet? It could be that within their communities they're just too afraid to talk out? But it's not going unnoticed.

I had a cookbook in my hand, today. The World in My Kitchen. By Collette Rossant. And, in it she relates a story where she got a writing assignment at some point in the 1980's. To go to China. To do a whole show about Chinese cooking, that was now taking America by storm (then). She particularly wanted to visit the MOSLEM cities. Xi'an. Guangzhou. Since she had spent time during her youth in Cairo, Eygpt, she found these places very reminiscent.

And, that's when it hit me. Arabs, who've traversed the world, are now looked at as enemies. (As I'm sure the Japanese were during WW2.) A deserved response to terrible aggression. But for the Japanese, they knew nothing else, back then. Just what their emperor told them. Freedom and democracy didn't come to them, until Hirohito surrended to MacArthur.

This world's been involved with some heavy duty stirrings. Coupled to technology that races words around the world. And, failing dynasties.

But what to make of the arabs? They wouldn't have been able to get their feet into the doors of many countries; except that there was a time they weren't seen as hostile freaks.

The Saudis changed this! That's a very limited group of towel heads. But they have money! I guess like George Soros also has money.

But Soros is stuck. He can't buy what the Saudis got for themselves. Which is a terrorist organization!

Sure. Always were arabs involved in piracy! But then, when the arabs had to do battles with the "White Man" (for want of a better term). They always lost. Lost to the Greeks. Lost to the Europeans. And, lost to the Americans. (All ya gotta do is hum "From the Halls of Montezuma, to the shores of Tripoli."

Something's gotta give.

And, I always vote for implosion, long before I think you need a world war. How long will it take?

And, what has to go? Start with the towels and tablecloths for headgear.

But what about the real violence? The stuff you see in gazoo? And, iraq? I'm just asking. My crystal ball is dark.

Anonymous said...

re: gazoo

my chrystal ball says the opposite of yours, that Israel is putting up as many dams as possible, but ultimately waiting for a world war, or at least something of a similar historical magnitude, to actaully drain the swamp.

I tend to think that 'something' will be economic rather than war, but that could be wishful thinking.

Anonymous said...


TO: Shahar


I don't think the Israelis are waiting for America to hit either syria or iran. IT doesn't pay. There's nothing that would follow it the next morning.

WHen the locals are the problem, you have to wall off the "locals" from contaminating anything nearby.

Iraq wasn't a hotbed of religion. And, what we hear now is limited to about 20% of their bottom of the barrel scrapers. Everybody wants the oil wealth. Few will get much. Maybe, if anything, a trickle.

And, letting this fester, it goes to the next cycle of elections. THEN? The Americans have to guarantee free-enough elections. (Could this mean that movement of the madr' armies would meet with "hell to pay?") It would be quick and nasty.

And, people can vote by mail, as well. Let alone, that many citizens in many countries always congregate at the open markets. Because they continuously need to buy fresh foodstuffs. There's not enough electricity to give you a six months' supply of food in your freezer.

The other meeting places include barber shops. Coffee shops. And, schools. (I'm sure that the voting is just as do-able ahead, as it was when all eyes were on this to fail.)

How will lots of people vote? Hard to say. Because in gazoo they voted for things to get worse. ANd, I think lebanon will do the same.

Business is dropping off for the arabs around the world.

And, lots of times things change on their own. If you can just wait out the storms.

Disengagement got Israel out of gazoo. If gazoo still held 8,000 relgious Israelis, it was like keeping a scorpion in the center of this freak-bed. And, the religous zealots had to be moved!

Today, Olmert still has problems from his religious zealots. ANd, from the lawyers, who really control the government, away from the voters. But according to the dictates of a few. And, this always stirs the pot. Just as the rabbis control religion, forcing more and more Israelis into the secular life.

Lighting candles on Friday nite? OFF by wide margins.

Sukkots? Not too many people are building them, now. It's just another day off, though, for Israeli workers. WIthout religious attachments.

This list grows.

While the "orthodox" is a minority, with inter-marriage, and birth defects, galore.

Add to this mix the russians who came in. Millions of them! And, now a panicked russia is trying to pull them back. Because russia is experiencing a diminishment in "fodder."

Meanwhile, as a place to live, Israel remains safe. ANd, productive. With its best minds moving away to other countries.

It's NOT static!

The Mideast would change on a dime, the day, Israel is recognized by most of the arabs. Who have a choice. To stick to what they do now, and lose. Or re-join civilization.

WHile tearing apart the network the Saudis built, where they thought all the terrorists would be under their umbrella; you now see the nuts in iran, Far-see-gulls, as I call them, stepping up with the Shi'a ready to pounce and steal home plate.

WHo knows, two lunatic groups, working against each other, may be just what's needed to tear the masks off? Since I doubt a lot of the show that goes on in mosques, really has many of those "believers" convinced.

One generation. Or two, at most. And, we'll know the answer.

But a world war? Hardly likely, ahead. More likely, though, the nutters in iran, risking piracy at sea, with blackmail attempts.

Was this tried before? Oh, yes. Hum "From the Halls of Montizuma, to the shores of Tripoli." At first, America paid the blackmail. And, the next year it didn't. The arab thieves PAID. We've still got quite a navy. And, that's where I think the action will take place.

And, to surprise the mullets? Instead of big ships; we'll be operating underwater drones (submarines that can move fast and fire missiles) ... just like we can do from the air.

The West doesn't want to waste blood on these critters.

Anonymous said...

> I don't think the Israelis are waiting
> for America to hit either syria or iran

no no. I had nothing like that in mind.

> One generation. Or two, at most. And,
> we'll know the answer

more like that, generational, maybe more than two.

just to reiterate. you asked "what about the real violence .. gazoo" etc. My basic response to that question is, there's no solution. you can't do anything about it but throw water on it more or less constantly. Eventually, it will get swept away by some larger force, but I don't pretend to know what that will be.

Iraq appears to be something else, and yet it isn't. I can't imagine Iraq being stable or having the strength to repel external influences. Iraq is Lebenon now, and we haven't even admitted yet that Lebanon doesn't exist. How are we going to admit that Iraq doesn't exist? Only bigger forces, the pushbroom of history, can make us do it.

Anonymous said...

It was a very interesting article with some very good hardcore ideas that are way too radical for the West right now though unfortunately. Hopefully if the conversation grows some of these things could be done. It's too bad it can't all be done soon.

absurd thought -
God of the Universe says
keep truth from children

make them feel ashamed
for being born American