Sunday, October 08, 2006

Rumor of Revolution in Iran

Anti-Mullah reports:

Monitored from live communication with Iran and the Ayatollah Boroujerdi himself by Voice of Iran Radio (KRSI) and local citizens calling in from Tehran to KRSI.

Shots were being fired around the Ayatollah's home at Sard (cold) Park, Avesta Avenue, Sard Street #9 close to Freedom Square. Fires are springing up in the region at major intersections. Ambulance sirens scream futiley as Tehran citizens pour toward that address blocking streets to prevent Security forces from getting close but also blocking the paramedics and ambulances.

Distress calls from wounded men and women fill the air waves as what they describe as total war is erupting. KRSI, which covers all of Iran, constantly broadcasts calls for the populace to rise up, urging them to make the most of this opportunity.
I have no independent confirmation at this time. I will update if I hear something pro or con.


Update 08 Oct '06 0256z

A similar report of Ayatollah Boroujerdi under siege dated 4 Oct. I wonder if the regime forces decided to attack over the weekend.

Radio Free Europe has a report that coroborates some details from earlier in the week.
PRAGUE, October 6, 2006 (RFE/RL) -- A dissident Iranian cleric who advocates the separation of religion and politics, Ayatollah Seyyed Hossein Kazemeyni Boroujerdi, is accusing officials of persecuting him and his followers. Boroujerdi claims dozens of his supporters have been arrested and taken to Tehran's notorious Evin prison in recent weeks. The ayatollah told RFE/RL that he has appealed for help from international figures that include the pope and EU foreign-policy chief Javier Solana.
Help from the Pope? Maybe. From the EU? Citation has a better chance of winning the Kentucky Derby this year and Citation is dead.

Update: 08 Oct '06 0551z

KRSI internet site.

Update: 08 Oct '06 2037z

The International Herald Tribune reports that Ayatollah Boroujerdi and many of his followers have been arrested.

Update: 08 Oct '06 1820z

Michael Ledeen has some history and the latest news.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'd love to believe this, I really would. But I have seen so many breathless announcements of the beginning of the revolution by regimechangeiran that I just can't get worked up anymore.