Biggest Con In History
Ian Plimer says human induced global warming is the biggest con trick in history.
Imagine how wonderful the world would be if man-made global warming were just a figment of Al Gore’s imagination. No more ugly wind farms to darken our sunlit uplands. No more whopping electricity bills, artificially inflated by EU-imposed carbon taxes. No longer any need to treat each warm, sunny day as though it were some terrible harbinger of ecological doom. And definitely no need for the $7.4 trillion cap and trade (carbon-trading) bill — the largest tax in American history — which President Obama and his cohorts are so assiduously trying to impose on the US economy.So true. But it was never ever about global warming as far as those in government pushing the bill are concerned. It is about raising taxes. Massive taxes. And trying to sell that tax raise as a "do gooder" project.
Imagine no more, for your fairy godmother is here. His name is Ian Plimer, Professor of Mining Geology at Adelaide University, and he has recently published the landmark book Heaven and Earth: Global Warming, the Missing Science,which is going to change forever the way we think about climate change.
‘The hypothesis that human activity can create global warming is extraordinary because it is contrary to validated knowledge from solar physics, astronomy, history, archaeology and geology,’ says Plimer, and while his thesis is not new, you’re unlikely to have heard it expressed with quite such vigour, certitude or wide-ranging scientific authority. Where fellow sceptics like Bjorn Lomborg or Lord Lawson of Blaby are prepared cautiously to endorse the International Panel on Climate Change’s (IPCC) more modest predictions, Plimer will cede no ground whatsoever. Anthropogenic global warming (AGW) theory, he argues, is the biggest, most dangerous and ruinously expensive con trick in history.
It seems more like a no gooder doo doo project to me designed to destroy the American economy
Here is a chart of two different temperature series (UAH in black, RSS in red) done by Steve McIntyre and posted at Watts Up With That.

Any one see a global warming signal in that chart? Me either.
And yet some people still believe global warming is real. They find my lack of faith disturbing. I find their lack of contact with reality disturbing.
H/T commenter Theo Lichacz at Watts Up With That
Cross Posted at Classical Values
I don't know. The whole Divine Revelation con has got to be bigger. But then if you consider Global Warming to be a subset of Divine Revelation then I would agree.
I get divine revelations from time to time. The scam is trying to turn them into a book deal.
I can see a +0.2deg over 30 year trend in that graph. But as far as I know it's noise, part of a multi-decade oscillation, or changes in the setting around the measurements. So no compelling evidence of a long term trend.
Oh, global warming is real alright. Not too long ago there was a mile of ice where I'm sitting right now.
Neolithic hunters made camp fires. The ice melted. Clearly the fires caused the melting.
See, you just have to pick the right end points to the time scale you're averaging across, and then find something to correlate with any apparent trend. Easy!
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