Doing The Right Thing
One of my readers has been having a conversation with me about what she can do to change the world. Specifically the energy sector. Something overlooked, like growing your own biodiesel or something? She couldn't see much of a future if our industrial system stays static - dependent on limited resources. Energy is the lifeblood of civilization after all. My answer:
Right now there is not much that can be done even if you wanted the "right" products - they are not available at any reasonable price. Take plug in hybrids. Excellent idea. Sound engineering. You can't get it (unobtanium). And even if you could get it, I'd advise you let the rich buy in at first until the technology has gotten a significant field shakedown. That is their proper function in life: to bear the costs of trying new commercial ideas. Expensive hobbies. Electricity for the home in 1890 say. Or Tesla Roadsters today.
Most of the action right now is industrial. Things like using solar to shave the afternoon air conditioning peak electric charges. That means the sales potential is there for demand metered companies - which is basically the commercial sector.
If you were an engineer (or technician or even service provider) I could give you some suggestions. Right now working for a solar cell, or wind, or biodiesel company would be the best thing to do. Or a research lab.If you can't be a scientist or engineer, sweep the floors.
We are on the path. What we must do is let the system evolve as much as possible. We must not choose any one path too soon. Industrial systems are no different than plants. We want them to grow towards the light and bend with the winds. To do that we must give the light and wind time to influence the plant. If we short circuit that too much because of fear or politics we will wind up with less than the best system.
I wish I had a better answer for you.
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