Buying Time
There is a discussion going on at Steve Sailer's about Obama's anthropologist mom. How she married a guy from Indonesia who didn't exactly see eye to eye with her about feminist values once she was married to him.
Then in the comments we get a lot of disparaging remarks about McCain and the current war. You know - the war monger bit. And of course Obama is the only one who can clear up the mess, because he is anti-war. Or at least anti-this one. I responded:
About that Islam/anthropology theme.
I'm sure you are all deep thinkers on this but might it not be true that if Islam started the war (say 1400 years ago with American involvement beginning around 1776) it is not going to end until Islam comes to its senses?
But maybe you guys are really part of the anthropology/kumbayah crowd that thinks if we can just talk with them and answer their grievance (why aren't you all devout Muslims?) it will all go away.
Good luck wid dat.
If it was me, and I believed we were in a war not of our own making (do we have the rights to Andalusia yet so we can return it?) you'd want a guy like McCain (despite his myriad other faults).
To my way of thinking McCain gets one thing right. All the rest get nothing right. So what is it? Light a candle or curse the darkness.
BTW we generally get the government we deserve. Your beef should not be with the candidates but the voters. Until they see things differently the best we can hope for is a slow decline. Better than a fast decline. The voters might come to their senses before the worst is done.
If we are not in a position to get what we want, delay in getting what we don't want is a useful option.
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