Illinois Governor's Race 2010
It looks like Adam is endorsed by a Cold War Hero.
Breaking news: Lech Walesa, Nobel Laureate and former President of Poland, has endorsed Republican candidate Adam Andrzejewski (and G F ski) for Illinois Governor.Here is Walesa's endorsement letter:
From The American Spectator:It’s not every day that a Nobel Prize winner becomes involved in a U.S. election, but Lech Walesa — famed for his Cold War leadership of the Solidarity movement in Poland — will be campaigning this week for a GOP gubernatorial candidate in Illinois.
The former Polish president will be the keynote speaker Friday at a Chicago luncheon fundraiser for Adam Andrzejewski, one of four Republican candidates for governor in Illinois.
To the People of the Great State of IllinoisMy mate was asking me who I liked in the Republican Primary. So I did some research and it looks like Adam is it.
It is with great pleasure that I wholeheartedly endorse Adam Andrzejewski for the office of Governor of the State of Illinois. In writing these words I feel particularly touched because, sadly, it is so seldom in the United States that a Polish son becomes involved in politics. But I do not endorse Adam only because of his Polish roots.
I applaud Mr. Andrzejewski’s commendable effort to bring real reform to politics. His insistence on transparency in public life are badly needed not only in the great state of Illinois, but in any democracy. I have heard that Adam’s opponents criticize his lack of political experience. I still remember when some 30 years ago, my opponents were similarly critical of my lack of political background. History has shown, however, that in order to create real change, new factors are sometimes necessary.
Adam Andrzejewski can be that factor for the State of Illinois.
I do hope, that what Adam Andrzejewski can bring change when elected for the office of Governor of the State of Illinois.
Lech Walesa
Former President of the Republic of Poland
Now do I think he is God's gift. Hell no. But I have grown tired of the current brand of crooks. Time to try a new brand.
The fact that he is supported by the Quincy Tea Party doesn't hurt.
On Friday, January 22, 2010 the Quincy Tea Party packed the house at our Meet and Greet held at the Quincy Holiday Inn featuring a candidate forum that resulted in four candidates signing the Tea Party's Conditional Endorsement.I hope Adam lives up to his billing. The Quincy Tea Party site has links to the various candidate www sites. And the sign?
To view the contents of the QTP Conditional Endorsement click here.
The event featured Adam Andrzejewski candidate for Governor, Don Tracy and Jason Plummer both running for Illinois Lt. Governor, and Kathleen Thomas who is running for United States Senate. These candidates made the commitment to the Quincy Tea Party to support the conservative principles outlined in the groups document.
The QTP also unveiled it's yard sign campaign called the "Tea Party Difference."

H/T Instapundit
Cross Posted at Classical Values
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