Friday, December 05, 2008

Is Your DVD Illegal?

Live Leak reported on about the DVD confiscation raids.
Friday, May 9, 2008 Actor and comic Tommy Chong says he is linked to FBI raids Wednesday in Newport and Clermont County's Union Township. Chong tells Local 12 federal agents were after thousands of DVD copies of a documentary he recently made.

Tommy Chong, 30 years ago, appeared in the movie that made him famous, "Up In Smoke."

But today, Tommy Chong is 69-years-old and selling a different, called "The United States of America Vs. Tommy Chong."

The documentary details Chong's 2003 federal prosecution and guilty plea for distributing drug paraphernalia. He was selling pot pipes online. Chong served nine months in prison.

Wednesday night, Chong told Local 12 he's the focus of an FBI raid of two, local offices.

"They apparently confiscated 10,000 copies of the movie, "a/k/a Tommy Chong," said Chong.
Evidently the man is a threat to the welfare of the Government's War On Drugs. Now what are you supposed to do when you find out about something the Government doesn't want you to see? Go look of course.

You can watch one trailer here.

Or another trailer here.

You can get a/k/a Tommy Chong here.

You might also find American Drug War of interest.

H/T Commenter Phelps from the post LEAPing To Repeal

Cross Posted at Classical Values

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