Saturday, February 15, 2025

Google search - Drugs Don't Cause Addiction

If you do a Google search on - Drugs don't cause addiction - what you see in the screenshot below (with the outline added by me) comes up along with a featured link and several others.

Note the part circled in red. "However, the statement that drugs don't cause addiction is considered dangerous and irresponsible to many otherwise reasonable people."

When I ask Duck-Duck the same question I get a number of links (several of those links below) withoout an editorial.

Many people use drugs – but here’s why most don’t become addicts

What are the Root Causes of Addiction?

Drugs Don’t Cause Addiction: This Brilliant Video Will Change Your View on Drugs Forever

On top of all that we know from Receptor Science (which is not covered in any of the above links) that drugs absolutely can't cause addiction.
The main cause of addiction in America is abused child PTSD with military service PTSD coming in second. Dr. Lonny Shavelson in his book "Hooked" said that 70% of female heroin addicts had been sexually abused in childhood. We are making war on abused children and disabled vets. And then there is science. Addiction is a symptom of PTSD says Nobel Prize Winner in Medicine Eric Kandel in his book, "The Disordered Mind." Receptor science (100+ years old) says there are NO addictive drugs. Drugs fill receptors. What empties receptors (injury, PTSD) causes a desire for pain relieving drugs. Drugs CAN'T cause addiction. People take pain relievers to relieve pain.

I comment on the fact that even after 100+ years this information is still relatively unknown despite the US alone spending trillions on the "problem". And that doesn't even count the crime (Black Market murder, stealing to pay for high priced drugs) it causes. ==> In Over 100 Years Nobody Said A Thing

A nice little video on how "addictive drugs" are used to ruin neighborhoods. A Federal Marshall talks Systemic Racism after a minute and some of introductions.

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