Monday, December 18, 2023

The Role of PTSD in History

Abused child PTSD causes narcissism and displaced rage - the "issues" are not the issue. It is a mental illness. Hitler was an abused child. Marx was an abused child. Stalin was an abused child. Putin is an abused child. Their rage from the abuse destroys their morals. The anger is the disease.

Some abused children crave power and control, which is why there are so many in politics. We are not confronting a political party or a political philosphy, despite there being so many bad ones. We are facing a mental illness. Abused child PTSD and the associated displaced rage and narcissism.

Drug abuse and sexual deviance are other possible side effects. Medical schools in America teach - addiction is a symptom of PTSD. Marx had a drug problem. Hitler was a secret addict.

"Inside Every Progressive Is An Abused Child Screaming To Get Out" - at one time I was both.

From my own personal experience - every gang member I knew, when I was in one, was an abused child. No one in criminal justice ever remarks on that. Some of them must know.

Long term PTSD (everyone gets it short term) is in part genetic. The other part is the initiating trauma. Me? I'm no longer an abused child, haven't been for about 50 years, I gave up my anger.

Should you have the problem the simplest advice I can give is ==> The Anger IS the Disease.

"The Fourth Way" by P.D. Ouspensky helped me a lot. You can probably skip all the 'magical universes' stuff and stick to the healing recipes. One of which is "Do Not Express Negative Emotions" because it reinforces them and you don't want them anymore. That Hitler guy was full of them.

Also in the series:
We are fighting a mental illness
The Party of Abused Children

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